Tutor Search


Gender: Female
Qualification: A Level
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: I am very passionate about teaching Mathematics as it is something I enjoy since young and I have been consistently scoring A grade. My teaching methods will include: - practice and repetition to reinforce learning - I will use visual aids like diagrams to enhance students understanding - I will pay attention to students responses and adapt my teaching style accordingly - I will incorporate a wide range of materials to expose them to all kinds of questions - I will help students set clear, achievable goals and track their progress

Ng Li Xiang

Gender: Male
Qualification: A Level
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: I taught secondary school Mathematics and Physics, using visual and hands-on learning techniques to help students apply knowledge effectively. I strongly believe that understanding concepts is more important than memorization, resulting in students showing significant improvement after grasping the underlying principles. Their grades improved respectively from D7 to A2, F9 to B3, and B4 to A1. I tailored my lessons to address each students’ unique needs, ensuring that each student received personalised support needed to excel.

Ng Ka Hian

Gender: Male
Qualification: University
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 3 - 5 Years
Experience and Dedication: Teaching style: Explain concepts (understanding the reasons behind) -> application of knowledge by attempting challenging questions together (practice) learning should be something logical, understandable and fun. I am a student myself, I know the struggle to memorize most of contents just to vomit them out during exams. To me, this is pointless and defeats the purpose of learning, hence, my learning approach is to understand first as there is a reason to everything, then finally we apply in solving questions. What I can offer is continuous support to the students to make them feel that they are not alone in facing the exams. As I am a student myself, I believe I can resonate with their feelings and the pressure that they are facing. I will try my best to offer explanation to every question my students have. They could treat me just like their friends and voice their concerns openly which is not always the case for tuition centre. This is because the students tend to feel shy or scared to ask because they may feel that their questions are ‘stupid.’ For me, I welcome all my students to ask because only by asking, you are learning.

Niki Nurferissha Binti Nordin

Gender: Female
Qualification: University
Type of Tutor: Others
Experience (in year): 5 - 10 years
Experience and Dedication: Enthusiastic and dedicated art teacher with extensive experience in nurturing students’ artistic development. Proficient in a variety of mediums, including crafts, drawing, painting, and sculpture, I have led the design of a comprehensive curriculum that enhances student learning and provides guidance to other branches, ensuring consistent excellence in art education. I actively pursue professional development opportunities to remain current with the latest trends in art education, incorporating innovative techniques into the classroom to inspire creativity. Through my dedication, I aim to create a supportive environment where students can express themselves artistically and grow as individuals.

Jonah Boo

Gender: Male
Qualification: University
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: Over the past year I have had the privilege of providing private tuition in both P6 English and JC GP. I am currently providing P6 tuition for English to one other student. My teaching approach emphasises personalised attention, tailored lessons plans and individual notes to meet the unique needs of each student. For P6 English, I always ensure my students have a strong grasp of vocabulary, grammar comprehension and writing skills before the rigorous drilling of test papers. On the other hand with JC GP students, I focus on critical thinking, essay writing and current affairs analysis to ensure they excel in the A level exams.

Ian Tan

Gender: Male
Qualification: A Level
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: I am a student from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and with my passion in science and math, I hope to help students develop greater understanding and confidence academically. My teaching philosophy revolves around personalised learning, where I strive to cater to individual learning styles and interests to ensure comprehensive understanding and engagement. My goal is to make learning more effective, engaging and something students can look forward to instead of dread.

Foo Pei Shi

Gender: Female
Qualification: University
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: - Taught General Paper tuition as a volunteer Alumni teacher under the Eunoia JC Aegis program. - Volunteered with the NUS Yishun Reading Odyssey (in collaboration with SHINE centre) to help P1-P6 students who were behind on their linguistic and reading abilities, to read at their required level. (1.5 yrs)

Dominic Chong

Gender: Male
Qualification: University
Type of Tutor: Part Time Tutor
Experience (in year): 1 - 2 Years
Experience and Dedication: Chess: - Represented my school and country in local and international competitions, winning several trophies. - Taught my juniors during primary school - Officially coaching several young students for more than a year

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